Company Profile and History

Company Profile

 Company Name
Kohzu Precision Co., Ltd.
Head Office
2-6-15 Kurigi, Asao, Kawasaki Kanagawa 215-8521, Japan
Tel: +81-44-981-2131
Shanghai Office
Room 520, No.A Building WOLI CENTER No.2157,
Hunan Road, Pudong New Dist, Shanghai 201204, China
Tel: +86-21-6426-2261
 Paid-in Capital
99,653,000 JPY
Yoshihiko Uchida
 Number of Employees

Company History

1945 Founded and opened business for the repair of measuring devices such as transits and other surveying instruments.
1957 Founded Limited Liability Company KOHZU Precision.
1961 Reorganized to Joint Stock Company KOHZU Precision Co., Ltd. Katsuji Kohzu inaugurated as initial president.
1962 Began production of inspection devices for automobile lamps.
1963 Opened Kawasaki Factory in Miyamae-Ward, Kawasaki-City, Kanagawa-Prefecture.
1968 Began production and sales of complete laser optical devices.
1975 Delivered full-scale synchrotron radiation monochromators for the first time in Japan to the Institute for Nuclear Study SOR facility in Tanashi.
1982 Started to deliver double crystal monochromators to synchrotron radiation facility in the National Laboratory for High Energy Physics in the Education Ministry. Continued to supply many monochromators and diffractometers.
1983 Delivered metre standard based on laser resonators to the National Research Laboratory for Metrology, Agency of Industrial Sciences and Technology of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. This became a measuring standard in Japan.
1987 Specifications such as Precision XY stages were standardized. Began production of 3 CCD camera assembly system.
Soon thereafter,KOHZU became the standard in this field.
1988 Delivered double crystal X-ray monochromators to the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) Facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the US.
1992 Relocated Kawasaki Factory to Machida for business expansion.
1994 Delivered high heat load double crystal X-ray monochromator to radiation facility in the Advanced Photon Source(APS)at Argonne National Laboratory in the US.
Delivered cam type double crystal X-ray monochromator to European Synchrotron Radiation Facility(ESRF).
Began production of LCD attachment and adjustment instruments for liquid crystal projector manufacturers.
1996 Delivered standard type double crystal monochromator to large-scale synchrotron radiation facility "SPring-8".
1997 Opened MontBlanc Building. Relocated headquarters.
2000 Opened Osaka Branch in Mino-City, Osaka-Prefecture.
2002 Integrated and relocated the headquarters and factories in Kawasaki-City, Kanagawa-Prefecture.
2008 Osaka office is relocated to an expanded sales market in Yodogawa, Osaka.
2011 KOHZU Precision Co.,Ltd have been in business for 50 years.
Kohzu's stage was used for analysis of microparticulate which is collected by " asteroid probe Hayabusa ".
2013 Got SonyGreenPartners approval for some products.
2018 ISO 9001:2015 certification.
2020 Extension of clean room building for production of products requiring cleanliness.